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hyperactive very active or stimulated beyond what is normal.
itself a normal, healthy, or usual condition. [1/3 definitions]
large of a size, or amount bigger than normal or average; not small.
low1 below the normal level. [1/11 definitions]
midget a very small person with the same body proportions as a normal adult; dwarf.
monster any being that is not normal in appearance or shape. [1/4 definitions]
myself my normal or customary condition or way of being. [1/3 definitions]
naturally in a normal manner. [1/4 definitions]
nomad A nomad is a member of a group of people that move from place to place as a normal way of living their lives. Nomads often move because of changing weather conditions or because they have animals, such as cattle or goats, that need a place with more water or plants for food.
nomadic If a group of people is nomadic, they move from place to place as a normal way of living their lives. Also, when a person lives in one place for a while and then moves again and again, we sometimes say they live a nomadic life.
normal When something is normal, it is usual, regular, or average. When something is not normal, it is strange or different from what you expect. [4 definitions]
normally in a normal way; to the usual degree. [1/2 definitions]
numb not able to act or feel in a normal way. [1/3 definitions]
ordinary usual or normal. [2/3 definitions]
ourselves our normal selves. [1/3 definitions]
out of order When things are out of order, they are not in the correct or normal order. [1/2 definitions]
overtime more than the normal amount of time. [1/3 definitions]
overwhelm If a feeling overwhelms a person, it takes complete control of them. It makes them have such strong emotions that they become confused or unable to act in their normal way. [1/3 definitions]
par normal or average in amount or degree; standard. [1/2 definitions]
rash2 When you have a rash, your skin is not normal and it has bumps or red spots on it. [1/2 definitions]
recover to return to a normal or healthy condition. [1/3 definitions]