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Children's Dictionary
ice-skating the activity or sport of moving or dancing over ice wearing ice-skates.
middle-aged of a person, being of an age between youth and old age. A middle-aged person is often between forty and sixty-five years of age.
muumuu a long, loose-fitting dress made with fabric of a bright color or pattern.
overalls loose-fitting, heavy trousers with a bib that covers the chest, often worn over clothes for protection from soiling. [2 definitions]
prefix a word part with its own meaning that is added to the beginning of a word to make a new word that has a different meaning. "Re-" in "reform" is a prefix.
primrose a plant that grows tube-shaped flowers in many colors. Primroses have large leaves at the base of the flower stalk.
robin a large North American songbird related to the thrush, with an orange-red breast, dark brown head and back, and a bright yellow bill. [1/2 definitions]
root1 the part of a word to which other word parts, such as suffixes and prefixes, can be added--or a free-standing word with no other word parts. The word "heat" is a free-standing word that also functions as a root. When you combine this root with the prefix "pre-," for example, you get a new word, "preheat," that means to heat up in advance. [1/9 definitions]
smiley a small icon made of punctuation characters and letters and placed in an e-mail; emoticon. A smiley shows the mood of the writer, such as :-o
Spam (lower case) junk mail received by e-mail. Spam is usually advertising sent to a large group of people. [1/3 definitions]
tale an account of a real or made-up event; story. [1/2 definitions]
tall (informal) hard to believe or made-up. [1/3 definitions]
tectonic plate one of the plate-like segments of the Earth's crust and upper mantle. The plates form the outer shell of the planet, and they are actually moving very slowly. Where the plates come into contact with each other, their movement can cause or play a part in the eruption of volcanoes, the building of mountains, and the occurrence of earthquakes.
topsy-turvy upside-down. [1/3 definitions]
turquoise a sky blue or blue-green mineral that is cut and polished for use in jewelry. [1/3 definitions]
uneven not balanced; unfair; one-sided. [1/5 definitions]
vaccine a substance used to protect people and animals from very serious diseases. Vaccines contain germs of a particular disease--these germs been killed or changed in a certain way in a laboratory to make them safe. A vaccine goes into a person's body in a shot that is given by a doctor or nurse. After a vaccine is put into a person's body, that person will not get that disease or will get only a mild case.
volume the size of a three-dimensional space enclosed within or occupied by an object. [1/5 definitions]
white-tailed deer an animal with antlers, long legs, and hooves. White-tailed deer are mammals. They live in woodlands of northern South America, Central America, and the United States, and are very common in the eastern United States. They are closely related to moose and other kinds of deer.