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Children's Dictionary
intrigue to draw the strong interest of; puzzle; fascinate. [1/2 definitions]
leech a kind of worm that lives in water or mud and sucks blood from animals. Leeches were once used in medicine to draw blood from people. Leaches are still sometimes used to prevent blood from clotting when reattaching fingers and toes that have been cut off.
letter to draw, copy, or write with letters. [1/3 definitions]
outline to draw the outline of. [1/4 definitions]
pencil to mark, write, or draw by pencil. [1/3 definitions]
pucker to gather or draw up into small folds or wrinkles.
pull to draw after oneself or itself by attaching and moving forward. [1/8 definitions]
purse to draw together tightly; pucker. [1/4 definitions]
scrawl to write or draw in a quick or careless way. [1/2 definitions]
scroll a roll of paper or parchment, used to write or draw on. [1/2 definitions]
shrink to avoid or draw back from something. [1/2 definitions]
shy1 to draw back or away from in fear or lack of trust (often followed by "away"). [1/4 definitions]
siphon to draw off or move with a siphon or as if with a siphon. [1/2 definitions]
sniff to draw into the nose or smell with short breaths. [1/4 definitions]
soak to draw in or absorb (usually followed by "up"). [1/7 definitions]
spin to draw out, twist, and wind, or to make by doing this. [1/8 definitions]
square an instrument with straight edges and a right angle used to draw or test right angles. [1/22 definitions]
stretch to pull or draw tightly. [1/13 definitions]
suck to take or draw in by suction. [1/5 definitions]
tap2 to put a hole in, to draw off liquid or gas. [2/4 definitions]
underline to draw a line under. [1/2 definitions]