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Children's Dictionary
issue a point or subject in question or being talked about. [1/4 definitions]
multiple-choice of a test or quiz, listing for each question several possible answers from which the correct one is to be chosen.
plain without question or doubt. [1/6 definitions]
poll to question people in order to gather facts or opinions about something. [1/6 definitions]
problem a question or condition that is difficult to understand or to deal with. [2/3 definitions]
punctuation the use of question marks, commas, periods, and other marks in writing to help make the meaning clear. [1/2 definitions]
punctuation mark any of a group of marks that are used to help make the meaning of written material clear. Commas, question marks, and periods are examples of punctuation marks.
query a question. [2/3 definitions]
question to ask a question of. [1/5 definitions]
question mark a punctuation mark (?). It is used at the end of a sentence that asks a question.
quiz to question in order to test knowledge. [1/3 definitions]
riddle1 a puzzling, tricky, and often funny question asked as a game or as a test of one's thinking skills. [2 definitions]
solution the act or process of solving a problem or question. [1/4 definitions]
statement any sentence that is not a question. [1/3 definitions]
what makes one tick what causes one's behavior (often used as a question).