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Children's Dictionary
jog1 to give a little push or shake; nudge. [1/4 definitions]
junk1 things having little worth; trash. [1/2 definitions]
lapse a decline or fall that happens a little at a time or slowly. [1/5 definitions]
lean2 having little extra fat on the body. [2 definitions]
least superlative of "little." [2/5 definitions]
less comparative of "little." [4/6 definitions]
lesser a comparative of "little." [1/2 definitions]
lightly with little weight or force. [1/3 definitions]
little a very small or insignificant amount or proportion (Compare with "a little"). [1/9 definitions]
lukewarm showing little interest or enthusiasm. [1/2 definitions]
miserable having little value; poor. [1/3 definitions]
moderate not too much or too little; within limits. [1/4 definitions]
monotone speech with little or no change in tone.
nag2 a horse that has little value and cannot be used for hard work.
neglect to pay too little or no attention to. [1/5 definitions]
notch (informal) a little bit. [1/3 definitions]
novelty a little toy or decoration. [1/3 definitions]
novice a person with little or no experience at a particular job or activity. [1/2 definitions]
obscure not famous or little known. [1/4 definitions]
on (one's) last legs having very little energy, strength, hope, or ability to go on; likely to collapse or die.
pare to make less little by little; cut down. [1/2 definitions]