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Children's Dictionary
crack down to deal with more strictly or harshly in order to enforce rules or requirements (fol. by "on"). [1/2 definitions]
crisis a situation that is not stable or certain, usually causing a great deal of stress and anxiety. [1/2 definitions]
croissant a roll in the shape of a crescent, usually made with a good deal of butter.
dealt past tense and past participle of "deal1."
dehydration a serious physical condition in which one's body has lost a great deal of water. It can happen to both humans and animals if they do not get enough water.
difficult hard to deal with or please. [1/3 definitions]
dispose of to deal with; take care of. [1/2 definitions]
doctrine a stated policy of a government that forms the basis for how that nation will deal with other nations. [1/2 definitions]
expert someone who knows a great deal about a particular thing. [2/3 definitions]
face to stand before or deal with in a brave way. [1/8 definitions]
financial having to do with money or those who deal in finance.
guzzle to consume a great deal of (energy, fuel, or the like). [1/2 definitions]
handful (informal) a person or thing that is difficult to deal with or control [1/3 definitions]
handle to deal with; manage. [1/5 definitions]
hard not easy to deal with. [1/9 definitions]
harrow to cause to suffer or worry a great deal. [1/3 definitions]
humanity (plural) studies that deal with human thoughts and human culture. The humanities include music, art, history, and literature, but do not include the sciences. [1/3 definitions]
impossible very difficult; not easy to deal with. [1/2 definitions]
impractical not able to deal with everyday, practical things; foolish. [1/2 definitions]
inflict to deal out or strike in a physical attack. [1/2 definitions]
junk food snack food that does not give the body many nutrients. Junk food usually contains a great deal of fat or sugar.