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Children's Dictionary
king-size larger than the usual size. [1/2 definitions]
large of a size, or amount bigger than normal or average; not small.
least smallest in size, amount, or degree. [2/5 definitions]
lessen to become or make smaller in amount or size.
lesser smaller in amount, size, degree, or importance. [1/2 definitions]
little small in size. [1/9 definitions]
long1 of a particular length in time or size. [1/6 definitions]
loss a decrease in size or amount. [1/5 definitions]
lynx a mammal in the cat family with soft, spotted fur, pointed ears, and a short tail. Several kinds of lynx live in Europe, North America, and Asia. They are carnivores and are related to other wild cats. The average lynx is about two to four times the size of a house cat.
magnificent very grand in size or splendid in beauty.
magnitude size or extent. [1/4 definitions]
major greater in size or number. [1/3 definitions]
mass size or bulk. [1/7 definitions]
massive making a strong impression because of great size or strength. [1/2 definitions]
match2 to be similar in size, color, or other qualities. [1/6 definitions]
measure the exact size, weight, or amount of something that is found by using a ruler, yardstick, scale, or similar device. [2/7 definitions]
measurement the specific size of something that is determined by measuring. [1/2 definitions]
medium middle or average in size or amount. [1/6 definitions]
mighty very large in size or power; huge. [1/2 definitions]
miniature A miniature is something that is exactly like something else but much smaller in size. [2 definitions]
minute2 very small in size or amount; tiny. [1/2 definitions]