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Children's Dictionary
lemming a very small mammal that looks like a mouse with a short tail. Lemmings are rodents that live in the far northern parts of Europe, Asia, and North America. Some kinds of lemmings migrate in groups if their population gets very large. Migrating lemmings may drown in bodies of water.
long1 at a time far in the past. [1/6 definitions]
maroon2 to leave on an island or coast, far from other people; abandon.
missile an object or weapon that is thrown or shot at a target that is far away. [1/2 definitions]
mobile a telephone that operates using radio signals and therefore requires no wires. A mobile can be taken with one anywhere but may not function if it is too far away from a radio transmitter to receive signals. "Mobile" has the same meaning as "cell phone." [1/3 definitions]
near not far; close. [1/8 definitions]
nearby located close at hand; not far away. [1/2 definitions]
nowhere a place that is far off or not well known. [1/5 definitions]
ocelot a wild cat with yellow or brown fur and black spots or stripes. Ocelots look like leopards but are smaller. They live in South and Central America, sometimes as far north as Texas. They are carnivorous mammals that eat birds, snakes, and small mammals.
orient (capitalized) the countries east and southeast of Europe; Asia; the Far East. [1/2 definitions]
overdo to do too much or go too far. [1/3 definitions]
pants an article of clothing that covers the area below the waist, reaching down as far as the feet and covering each leg separately; trousers. [1/2 definitions]
phobia a very strong fear or dislike of something that is far beyond ordinary fear or dislike.
quasar a heavenly object that is similar to a star. Quasars are far away from the earth and send out powerful radio waves.
reach to extend or stretch as far as. [1/11 definitions]
remote at a far distance in space or time. [2/3 definitions]
science fiction a kind of fiction writing that is often about people living in the far future or about life on other planets or in other galaxies. Science fiction often tells of future scientific inventions or of strange beings or creatures from outer space.
shortsighted not able to see objects clearly that are far away; nearsighted. [1/2 definitions]
shot put a sports event in which a heavy metal ball is thrown as far as possible.
to as far as. [1/15 definitions]
tower1 to rise high or far above others; reach a great height. [1/2 definitions]