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Children's Dictionary
lot a group of people or objects of the same type. [1/5 definitions]
make the kind, type, or brand of something. [1/11 definitions]
market the desire for a type of good or service. [1/4 definitions]
marrow the soft tissue that fills the hollow centers of most bones. One type of marrow makes new blood cells.
microwave a type of radio wave with a high frequency. Microwaves are used in special ovens to heat food and liquids. [1/2 definitions]
mob a group of animals of a certain type that live and travel together. [1/4 definitions]
model a particular type or style of a product. [1/10 definitions]
nectarine a type of peach with a smooth skin.
neighbor something that borders on or is in the same general area as something else of the same type. [1/4 definitions]
off-road of a type of vehicle used away from streets and highways.
pantomime a type of play in which stories are by told by gestures and facial expressions. Talking is not allowed in pantomime. [1/3 definitions]
peppermint the oil from this type of mint, or a flavoring made from this oil. [1/3 definitions]
plum a type of fruit that has smooth red, purple, green, or yellow skin. It has sweet, soft flesh and a small, smooth pit inside. Plums grow on trees.
plush a type of cloth having long, soft, thick fibers. [1/3 definitions]
print to write in letters like those of printed type. [1/8 definitions]
printing writing in which the characters are like printed type. [1/2 definitions]
profession a job or type of work that needs special training or study. [1/2 definitions]
rhythm a particular type of such movement. [1/2 definitions]
rig the arrangement and number of masts and sails of a particular type of boat or ship. [1/5 definitions]
roll a thick, round type of bread. [1/18 definitions]
Roman (usually lower case) relating to upright printing type or lettering. [2/4 definitions]