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Children's Dictionary
lubricate to coat or supply with grease, oil, or another slippery substance.
man to supply with people to do a job. [1/4 definitions]
mine2 a large supply or good source. [1/5 definitions]
nourish to supply with food needed for life and growth. [1/2 definitions]
outfit to supply with equipment needed; equip. [1/4 definitions]
overharvest (of crops or natural products) to harvest or gather in too much quantity or in too great frequency so that the supply becomes reduced or eliminated. [1/2 definitions]
plenty a full amount or supply.
populate to supply with residents or inhabitants. [1/2 definitions]
power to supply with energy or force. [1/7 definitions]
provide to give what is needed; supply. [2/4 definitions]
provision (plural) a supply of food. [2/4 definitions]
ration to limit the use or supply of. [1/5 definitions]
reservoir a place where water is collected and stored. Towns and cities often have reservoirs for their water supply. [2 definitions]
scarce in short supply. [1/2 definitions]
serve to provide with something; supply. [1/11 definitions]
shower1 a large supply or flow. [1/8 definitions]
sink a fixed basin connected to a water supply and a drain. [1/8 definitions]
steam engine an engine which uses steam to supply energy to its mechanical parts.
stock a supply ready for use; store. [3/11 definitions]
store a supply kept or saved for future use. [1/4 definitions]
string to supply with a string or strings. [1/9 definitions]