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Children's Dictionary
make (informal) to be accepted as a member by showing that one has the necessary skills. [1/11 definitions]
margin an extra amount allowed in case more than expected is necessary. [1/3 definitions]
mutilate to destroy by cutting or tearing off a necessary part. [1/2 definitions]
need the lack of something that is necessary or essential. [2/6 definitions]
overhaul to go over carefully, taking apart as necessary and making all needed repairs. [1/3 definitions]
protein a substance that is made up of nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and possibly other elements. Proteins are found in all living things and are a necessary part of life processes.
protoplasm a substance that is like a jelly and is a necessary part of plant and animal cells.
provide to supply necessary items such as money (often followed by "for"). [1/4 definitions]
requirement something that is needed or necessary. [1/2 definitions]
shy1 falling short of a necessary amount or number. [1/4 definitions]
simple consisting of few parts or things, or consisting only of things that are necessary. [1/3 definitions]
strategic important or necessary for achieving success in a war or other large undertaking. [1/2 definitions]
surplus more than what is necessary; extra. [1/2 definitions]
underweight lower in weight than is normal, desired, or necessary.
vital necessary to life. [2/4 definitions]