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Children's Dictionary
M.D. the abbreviation of the Latin words "medicinae doctor"; Doctor of Medicine.
medical of or having to do with the study or practice of medicine.
medication a medicine or drug. [2 definitions]
mustard a powder or paste with a strong taste made from the ground seeds of the mustard plant. Mustard is used to flavor food or spread on the skin as medicine. [1/3 definitions]
narcotic a drug that causes a person to become sleepy or unconscious and that may be used as a medicine to dull pain or cause sleep. Narcotics can be dangerous when not used as a medicine and can become hard to give up.
needle a very thin metal tube with a sharp point, used to put medicine into the body. [1/6 definitions]
ointment a soft, oily substance made to be rubbed into the skin. Ointment may be used as medicine or to soften the skin.
ophthalmologist a doctor who works in the branch of medicine that studies and treats diseases of the eye.
ophthalmology the branch of medicine that studies and treats diseases of the eye.
orthodontics (used with a singular verb) the branch of dental medicine that deals with the straightening of teeth.
orthodontist a dentist who works in the branch of dental medicine that deals with the straightening of teeth.
overdose too high a dose of medicine or drugs.
pellet a small rounded mass of food, medicine, or some other substance. [1/2 definitions]
peppermint a kind of mint plant that has small pink or white flowers and is grown for its oil. Peppermint is used in medicine and as a flavoring for toothpaste, gum, and candy. [1/3 definitions]
pharmacist a person who is trained to prepare and sell drugs and medicine in keeping with the orders of a doctor.
physician a doctor of medicine who is qualified and licensed to treat illness and injury.
pill a small tablet of medicine that is taken by mouth.
preparation a mixture used as a medicine. [1/3 definitions]
prescribe to order or suggest as a medicine.
prescription an order written by a doctor for medicine to treat a patient. [1/2 definitions]
preventive a medicine that keeps disease or sickness away. [1/3 definitions]