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Children's Dictionary
measure an instrument or system for making exact measurements. [1/7 definitions]
microscope an instrument that uses a lens to make very small objects larger so that they can be seen by the eye.
mute a device used to soften the sound of a musical instrument. [1/6 definitions]
needle a thin instrument made of steel with a hole at one end for thread and a sharp point at the other. A needle is used for sewing cloth or closing wounds. [1/6 definitions]
oboe a woodwind instrument with a high tone. It has a long, thin body with finger holes or keys, and is played by blowing into a mouthpiece.
octave the interval between these two tones, or the tones or keys of an instrument within this interval. [1/2 definitions]
organ a musical instrument with a keyboard. It is played by pressing keys attached to a device that forces air through pipes. [2/3 definitions]
peg a pin in the neck of a musical instrument that may be turned to change the tension of a string. [1/3 definitions]
percussion instrument a musical instrument that is sounded when some part of it is struck. Pianos, drums, cymbals, and xylophones are percussion instruments.
periscope an instrument on a submarine that is made up of a long tube with mirrors and prisms that allow one to see ships and other things above the surface of the water.
-phone a suffix that means an instrument used to receive or send sound. [1/2 definitions]
piano1 a musical instrument with a keyboard and many wire strings. A piano is played by pressing keys that cause small hammers to strike the strings.
pick1 to open with a sharp instrument and often for the purpose of stealing. [2/9 definitions]
pipe1 (sometimes plural) a musical instrument made up of one or several tubes that make notes when air is blown through them. [2/6 definitions]
player someone who plays a musical instrument. [1/3 definitions]
probe an instrument or tool used to explore the shape, condition, or depth of something that cannot be seen directly. [1/4 definitions]
prod to poke with, or as though with, a pointed rod or instrument. [2/3 definitions]
reading the point shown on an instrument of measurement. [1/3 definitions]
recorder a musical instrument made of wood or plastic that is like a flute. It has a mouthpiece like a whistle at one end. [1/3 definitions]
register the range of notes that a musical instrument or voice can produce. [1/9 definitions]
saxophone a wind instrument with a curved metal body and a mouthpiece with a single reed.