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Children's Dictionary
meteor a bright streak or flash in the sky which occurs when small pieces of space material enter our atmosphere and burn up, often called a shooting star.
muumuu a long, loose-fitting dress made with fabric of a bright color or pattern.
nasturtium a kind of garden plant that grows close to the ground and has bright yellow, orange, or red flowers. Nasturtium leaves and flowers can be eaten.
nebula a cloud of dust or gas found between the stars. A nebula may seem either bright or dark, depending on how it reacts with light.
North Star a bright star in the constellation Ursa Minor; Polaris.
oriole a songbird that can be found in many parts of the world. Males have black and bright yellow or orange feathers. There are two main groups of birds that are considered orioles. There are several different kinds of orioles in each group.
oxeye daisy a daisy that has a bright yellow center with white petals around it.
pheasant a large bird with a long tail and bright feathers.
Polaris a bright star in the constellation Ursa Minor; North Star.
polestar a bright star in the constellation Ursa Minor; Polaris; North Star.
praying mantis a long, slender insect that eats other insects and can turn its head from side to side. A praying mantis has a large, bright green body and holds its strong front legs up in a way that looks like hands folded in prayer.
prickly pear a cactus that is known for its bright flowers. Some kinds of prickly pear bear a fruit that can be eaten.
quetzal a large bird of Central and South America that has bright red and green feathers.
rhododendron a shrub or small tree with flat evergreen leaves and clusters of bright pink, red, purple, white, or yellow flowers.
robin a large North American songbird related to the thrush, with an orange-red breast, dark brown head and back, and a bright yellow bill. [1/2 definitions]
scarlet a bright red or reddish orange color. [1/2 definitions]
shiny reflecting or glowing with light; bright; shining. [1/2 definitions]
showy bright, colorful, or splendid in appearance. [2 definitions]
skyrocket an explosive that shoots high in the air before exploding in a shower of bright, colored sparks. [1/2 definitions]
soft not strong or bright. [1/9 definitions]
spark a short, bright flash. [1/5 definitions]