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Children's Dictionary
modem an electronic device that allows information to be sent from or to a computer using telephone lines or other lines of communication.
pacemaker a small electronic device put under the skin to control the heart rate in people with heart problems.
plug in to connect an electronic device to a power source.
radio a way of sending signals made of waves that travel through the air. These radio waves are picked up and translated into sounds by electronic devices. [1/3 definitions]
receiver a device that receives electronic signals and changes them into something that can be seen, heard, or understood. Televisions, telephones, and radios all work by using receivers. [1/3 definitions]
record to copy by use of a mechanical or electronic device for later hearing or viewing. [1/6 definitions]
rock2 a form of popular music with a strong beat and usually played loudly on electronic instruments such as guitars; rock-'n'-roll. [1/6 definitions]
scanner2 a device that scans printed material and changes it into an electronic signal that can be read by a computer.
screen the flat surface on electronic devices such as televisions, computers, or phones on which you see text or images. [1/8 definitions]
Spam (lower case) to send electronic junk mail. [1/3 definitions]
speaker an electronic device that produces sound; loudspeaker. [1/4 definitions]
telecommuting the doing of work at home by using a computer and sending this work back to the office by electronic means.
telegram a message sent in code by electronic means over wires.
telegraph a system by which messages may be sent by electronic means. The telegraph puts messages in code and sends them along wires. [1/2 definitions]
transistor a small device used to control the flow of electric current. Transistors use very little energy. They are found in televisions, computers, and other kinds of electronic equipment.
write to communicate with someone in writing, such as in a letter, electronic message, or postcard. [1/6 definitions]