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Children's Dictionary
Mojave Desert a very dry region of southern California.
Mongolia a region that includes this country and part of China. [1/2 definitions]
myrtle a kind of shrub that has evergreen leaves and bears pink or white flowers and fragrant dark blue berries. Myrtle is found in the Mediterranean region and western Asia. [1/2 definitions]
nation a people living in the same region of the world and having a common history, language, and culture. [1/2 definitions]
nationality a people living in the same region of the world and having a common history, language, and culture. [1/2 definitions]
Niger River a long river in western Africa that begins in Guinea and flows through Mali and Niger. It then flows along the border between Niger and Benin, through Nigeria, and finally into the Atlantic Ocean. It is an extremely important water source in the region.
northeast a region in the direction of northeast. [1/4 definitions]
northerner (often capitalized) a person born or living in the northern part of a region.
northwest a region in the direction of northwest. [1/4 definitions]
Oceania the region of the earth that includes all the islands of the central, western, and southern Pacific Ocean. Oceania includes many small island nations such as Fiji, Tonga, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu. Sometimes Oceania is considered to include Australia, New Zealand, and the islands of southeast Asia.
outer space region beyond the atmosphere of the earth.
Palestine a region in southwestern Asia on the Mediterranean that was the country of the Jews in Biblical times. Palestine is now occupied by Arabs and Jews.
Punjab a region of Asia that is located partly in Pakistan and partly in northwestern India (usu. preceded by "the").
Punjabi a major language of the world originating in the Punjab, a region of Asia that is partly in Pakistan and partly in northern India. Punjabi is the main language spoken in Pakistan and one of the major languages spoken in India. [1/2 definitions]
Sahara Desert a vast and very dry region of North Africa extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Nile River. The Sahara desert is hot and sandy, and it is the largest desert of this type in the world.
Scandinavia a region in northern Europe made up of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland.
seaboard a region along the coast of a body of water.
Siberia a region in northern Asia that goes from the Ural Mountains to the Pacific Ocean. Siberia is a part of Russia.
Sonoran Desert a dry region of the American southwest and northwestern Mexico.
southeast a region in the direction of southeast. [1/5 definitions]
Southeast Asia a region of the continent of Asia consisting of the countries of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, East Timor, and the Philippines.