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Children's Dictionary
moo to make the long, low sound of a cow. [2 definitions]
mumble to speak low and in a way that is not easy to understand; mutter. [2/3 definitions]
mutter to speak in a low tone that is hard to understand; mumble. [1/2 definitions]
Netherlands a country in northern Europe on the North Sea. According to the constitution, Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. However, the government is located in another city called The Hague. In earlier history, the term "Netherlands" referred to the "Low Countries" of Holland, Luxembourg, and Belgium, which are small, low-lying countries of western Europe located next to the sea.
off of low quality; spoiled. [1/13 definitions]
pickup a small truck with a flat bed and low sides. [1/2 definitions]
pineapple the tropical plant that bears this fruit. The pineapple plant has sword-like leaves and grows low to the ground. [1/2 definitions]
pitch1 the high or low quality of a sound or musical note. [1/11 definitions]
pump2 a simple women's shoe with a relatively low heel, usually worn with a skirt, dress, or slacks.
purr to make a soft, low, rumbling sound, like the one made by a happy cat. [2 definitions]
recede1 to move back to the same low level or point as before. [1/2 definitions]
reduce to bring to a low condition (usually followed by "to"). [1/2 definitions]
reed a tall grass with straight, jointed stalks that grows in low, wet areas. [1/2 definitions]
rumble to make a long, low, rolling sound. [2/3 definitions]
scooter a child's toy that has a steering handle attached to a low board with one wheel at each end. A scooter is ridden by standing with one foot on the board while using the other foot to push against the ground. [1/2 definitions]
scum a person or persons considered to be low or bad. [1/2 definitions]
sea level the surface level of the sea, halfway between high and low tide. It is used as the starting point for measuring elevations and depths.
sled a low platform of wood or other material that slides on blades and is used to travel over snow and ice. [1/2 definitions]
soft quiet or low in tone. [1/9 definitions]
sorry of low quality; terrible; poor. [2/4 definitions]
squat to sit on one's heels, or to crouch low to the ground with the knees bent. [2 definitions]