muff |
a tube made of warm, heavy cloth or fur. People hold their hands inside the muff to keep them warm. |
musk ox |
a large mammal with long, dark fur and wide horns. Musk oxen live in the northern regions of North America and Greenland. They have wide hooves for walking on snow. Musk oxen are closely related to cattle. |
muskrat |
a North American rodent that lives in and near water. Muskrats are about one foot long with brown fur and a long tail. They make burrows in the banks of streams or build reed huts in marshes and ponds. |
nutria |
a small mammal with thick brown fur and a long thin tail. Nutrias are rodents closely related to guinea pigs and porcupines. They build burrows near wet areas such as swamps. Nutrias used to only live in South America, but they have spread to much of the United States and Europe. |
ocelot |
a wild cat with yellow or brown fur and black spots or stripes. Ocelots look like leopards but are smaller. They live in South and Central America, sometimes as far north as Texas. They are carnivorous mammals that eat birds, snakes, and small mammals. |
opossum |
a small mammal with gray fur, a pointed nose, and a long tail, which it uses to hang from tree branches. The common opossum is the only marsupial that lives in North America. Several other kinds of opossums live in Central and South America. The female opossum carries her young in a pouch in her belly. [1/2 definitions] |
orangutan |
a large ape that lives in the rain forests of a few south Asian islands. Orangutans have long, red-brown fur and long arms. They spend most of their time in trees. They are a kind of primate. Orangutans are endangered. |
otter |
a mammal with brown fur, a long body, short legs, and webbed feet. Otters live in the water where they eat fish, frogs, and other water animals. Different kinds of otters are found in most parts of the world. They live in groups and are very playful. Otters are related to skunks, badgers, and other kinds of weasels. |
panda |
a large furry mammal that is related to bears. Pandas typically have black and white markings and large black rings around their eyes. They live in the mountains of western China and eat only bamboo plants. They are also called giant pandas. [1/2 definitions] |
panther |
a common name for a puma, a large wild cat with tan fur. Pumas live in many parts of North and South America. They are also called cougars or mountain lions. [1/2 definitions] |
polar bear |
a large bear with thick white fur that lives in arctic areas. |
polecat |
a small mammal with dark fur, a long body, and short legs. Polecats are a kind of weasel. They live in Europe, northern Africa, and North America. Domesticated polecats are called ferrets. In North America, a kind of wild polecat is also called a ferret. [1/2 definitions] |
porcupine |
a small mammal with bristles or spines in its fur. Porcupines are rodents closely related to guinea pigs, but much larger. Some porcupines have quills with barbs that hurt any animal that attacks them. Different kinds of porcupines live in North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. |
prairie dog |
a small rodent with light brown fur. Prairie dogs make burrows and live in large colonies called "towns." Several kinds of prairie dogs live in Mexico and the United States. Prairie dogs are not related to true dogs, but have a cry that sounds like a dog's bark. |
puma |
a large wild cat with tan or gray fur and no spots. Pumas live in many parts of North and South America. Pumas are carnivorous mammals. They are also called cougars, mountain lions, or panthers. |
rabbit |
a small mammal with long ears and long back legs for running or jumping. Rabbits have soft fur and a short tail. They are herbivores with long front teeth. Some kinds of rabbits make tunnels or burrows in the ground. Cottontails and hares are kinds of rabbits. |
raccoon |
a small mammal with brown and gray fur, a long tail with black rings, and a pointed face with black markings that look like a mask. Raccoons eat plants and small animals such as insects and frogs. In towns and cities, they eat garbage. Several kinds of raccoons live in North and South America and on Caribbean islands. |
reindeer |
a mammal with long legs, a long neck, antlers, and hooves. Reindeer are raised in northern parts of the world for their milk, meat, and fur. They are also sometimes used to pull sleds for transportation. Reindeer are closely related to moose and other kinds of deer. Reindeer are the only deer that have antlers on both males and females. In North America, reindeer are called caribou. |
reptile |
A reptile is a kind of animal. Snakes, turtles, and alligators are some animals that are reptiles. Reptiles are different from other kinds of animals because the temperature of their bodies depends on the temperature of the air or water around them. Some reptiles live in water, but most reptiles live on land. Reptiles have bones inside them, and they use lungs to breathe, but they don't have fur or hair on their bodies like mammals. Instead, they have hard coverings such as scales or a shell. |
ruff |
a ring or collar of hair, fur, or feathers around the neck of an mammal or bird. [1/2 definitions] |
sable |
a small mammal with very dark brown fur, a long body, and short legs. Sables live in Europe and Asia and are related to weasels. [2/4 definitions] |