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Children's Dictionary
muggy warm and damp so as to make breathing difficult.
respiration the act of breathing.
respiratory having to do with or used in the act of breathing.
scuba diving the act of swimming underwater while wearing special breathing equipment.
strangle to kill by stopping the breathing of, usually by surrounding the neck with something; choke. [1/2 definitions]
suffocate to be kept from breathing easily or from cool fresh air. [1/3 definitions]
wheeze difficult, whistling breathing or a wheezing sound. [1/2 definitions]
whooping cough a disease of the respiratory system that is especially serious in children. Whooping cough is marked by heavy coughing that makes breathing difficult, and sometimes a high-pitched sound is produced as air is inhaled while coughing. The diseased is passed easily from one person to another. Another word for "whooping cough" is "pertussis."
wind1 breath; breathing. [1/4 definitions]
yawn to open the mouth wide while breathing in deeply. Yawning can show tiredness or boredom. [2/3 definitions]