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Children's Dictionary
muskrat a North American rodent that lives in and near water. Muskrats are about one foot long with brown fur and a long tail. They make burrows in the banks of streams or build reed huts in marshes and ponds.
papoose a North American Indian baby or young child.
phlox a North American plant that bears groups of white, purple, or red flowers. [1/2 definitions]
poison ivy a North American plant with shiny leaves in groups of three and white berries. If it touches the skin, poison ivy can cause an itchy rash. [1/2 definitions]
racer a kind of slender North American snake. [1/3 definitions]
roadrunner a fast North American bird that moves about on the ground instead of flying. The roadrunner has a long tail, a crest, and streaked feathers.
robin a large North American songbird related to the thrush, with an orange-red breast, dark brown head and back, and a bright yellow bill. [1/2 definitions]
Saint Nicholas in North American folklore, a chubby, jolly, bearded old fellow who wears a red suit, lives at the North Pole, and brings children presents at Christmas, also called Santa Claus. (abbreviated: St. Nicholas) [1/2 definitions]
Santa Claus in North American folklore, a chubby, jolly, bearded old fellow who wears a red suit, lives at the North Pole, and brings children presents at Christmas; St. Nicholas.
Seminole a member of a North American Indian people that now live mostly in Florida and Oklahoma.
tepee a tent shaped like a cone and made with skins or bark. Tepees were used by some North American Indian peoples who lived on the plains.
tomahawk a light ax with a stone head, once used by some native North American peoples as a weapon or tool.
turkey a large North American bird with brownish feathers and a bare head with fleshy folds of skin hanging under the jaw. Turkeys are now raised in many parts of the world. [1/3 definitions]
United States a North American country extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific between Canada and Mexico and including Alaska and Hawaii, also known as "United States of America" (usu. prec. by "the").
whooping crane a large North American bird, now rare, with black and white feathers and a loud, whooping call.