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Children's Dictionary
mutilate to destroy by cutting or tearing off a necessary part. [1/2 definitions]
overwhelm to beat or defeat by greater force; destroy. [1/2 definitions]
shipwreck to destroy or ruin. [1/4 definitions]
shoot to hit, wound, destroy, or kill with a bullet, arrow, or similar object. [1/11 definitions]
tear down to destroy or demolish.
termite an insect that eats wood. Termites have pale, soft bodies and look somewhat like ants. They live in large groups in warmer parts of the world. They can destroy trees, buildings, and other things made out of wood.
torpedo a long missile that is shaped like a cigar and is used to destroy ships. A torpedo travels through the water under its own power and explodes when it hits something. [1/2 definitions]
trample to crush, destroy, or extinguish by or as if by treading underfoot (usu. fol. by "out"). [1/4 definitions]
undo to ruin or destroy. [1/3 definitions]
wash to wear away or destroy by the action of moving water. [1/12 definitions]
wipe out to destroy. [1/2 definitions]
wreck to ruin or destroy. [1/4 definitions]