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Children's Dictionary
muumuu a long, loose-fitting dress made with fabric of a bright color or pattern.
patchwork pieces of cloth or leather sewn together in a pattern.
pattern to make or behave according to a pattern. [1/4 definitions]
plaid a cloth with a pattern of stripes of different widths and colors, crossing at right angles. [3 definitions]
polka dot one of many small round dots in a pattern. [2 definitions]
print a cloth or article of clothing covered with a pattern, or the pattern itself. [1/8 definitions]
random made or done without purpose or pattern; made or done by chance.
regular not changing in manner, pace, or pattern. [2/7 definitions]
scheme pattern; design. [1/5 definitions]
sequence a pattern or process in which one thing follows another. [1/2 definitions]
stanza a group of related lines in a poem that make up one section within the poem. Stanzas often have a regular meter and rhyme pattern.
stencil a sheet of some material out of which letters or a pattern has been cut. Paint or ink can pass through stencils to form a design on the surface underneath. [1/3 definitions]
step a fixed pace, rhythm, or pattern used in dancing or other types of movement. [1/8 definitions]
syntax the word order or pattern of word order in a sentence. [1/2 definitions]
tattoo1 a picture, pattern, or other marking made on the skin with needles. The needles put colors into the skin. Tattoos are very difficult to remove. [2 definitions]
template a pattern used as a guide for cutting or drawing. Templates are usually made of thin metal, wood, or plastic.
tread the pattern of grooves on a tire, or the depth of the grooves. [1/7 definitions]
twist a sudden or not expected change in an otherwise predictable or even pattern. [1/18 definitions]
waffle1 a flat cake cooked in a device that leaves a pattern of squares on the cake.
weave the pattern or construction of a fabric. [1/6 definitions]
zigzag to move in this pattern. [1/2 definitions]