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mystery a matter that is secret or that cannot be known or explained. [1/2 definitions]
onto When you are onto something, you know some secret about it. If you are onto someone, you know something that they are hiding. [1/2 definitions]
open When you bring something secret into the open, it means that you stop it from being hidden anymore. You let other people know about it. [1/17 definitions]
password a secret word or phrase that allows one to enter a place, or get information that is given only to those who use the password.
peek to look quickly or secretly. [2 definitions]
peep1 a quick or secret look; peek. [1/3 definitions]
plot1 a secret plan that has an illegal or dangerous purpose. [2/4 definitions]
prowl the act of roaming in a secret, quiet way. [1/3 definitions]
publicly in a public manner; not in secret or in private. [1/2 definitions]
rat A rat is a person who tells someone else's secret or gets them in trouble. [1/2 definitions]
resistance (often capitalized) a secret organization formed to oppose an army that has taken over a country. [1/3 definitions]
reveal When you reveal a secret, you tell it. [1/2 definitions]
sabotage secret activity that causes damage to enemy property or causes disturbance to an enemy's operations. [1/2 definitions]
scheme When people scheme, they make a secret plan together. [1/3 definitions]
secrecy the habit of keeping things secret. [1/2 definitions]
secret When something is secret, someone is hiding it from other people. If you have a secret thing, you want to keep other people from seeing it or finding out about it. [5 definitions]
secretly in a secret manner, so as to conceal the action from others involved. [1/2 definitions]
shadow to follow closely and in secret in order to watch; trail. [1/5 definitions]
share If you share a secret with people, you let them know the secret. You tell it to them instead of keeping it inside. If you share thoughts or ideas with your friends, you tell them the things that are in your mind. [1/5 definitions]
smuggle to bring in or take out in secret. [1/2 definitions]
sneak to move, put, bring, or take in a secret or sly manner. [1/3 definitions]