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Children's Dictionary
nanny a person who is hired to take care of another person's children.
NC17 a movie rating that means persons seventeen years old and younger will not be admitted. "NC17" stands for "No Children 17 or Under."
nurse a person who is paid to look after a child or several children. [1/4 definitions]
nursery a room where babies or young children sleep or play. [2/3 definitions]
nursery school a school for children before they go to kindergarten.
pediatrician a doctor who takes care of babies and children.
piņata a colorful decorated container, often in the shape of a star, animal, or popular character, that is filled with candies, gifts, or other treats. The container is suspended in the air so that children, blindfolded, may try to break it open so that the treats may be gathered from the ground. The piņata is of Latin American origin.
playground an outdoor area where children can play. Many playgrounds have equipment such as swings and slides.
play structure a large structure, often made of metal or wood, that is built for children to climb and play on. Play structures are most often found in school playgrounds or parks.
polio a short form of "poliomyelitis," a disease caused by a virus that attacks the spinal cord and damages the nervous system. Poliomyelitis affects mainly children and can lead to paralysis or deformed limbs.
poliomyelitis a disease caused by a virus that attacks the spinal cord and damages the nervous system. Poliomyelitis affects mainly children and can lead to paralysis or deformed limbs. Jonas Salk invented a vaccine that prevents poliomyelitis.
pout1 to show unhappy feelings with an expression of the face. When children pout, they often push out their lips.
preschool a school for children who are under the age for kindergarten. In the U.S. and Canada, children usually start kindergarten around five years old.
quadruplet one of four children or animals born to the same mother at the same time.
quintuplet one of five children or animals born to a mother at a single birth.
Saint Nicholas in North American folklore, a chubby, jolly, bearded old fellow who wears a red suit, lives at the North Pole, and brings children presents at Christmas, also called Santa Claus. (abbreviated: St. Nicholas) [1/2 definitions]
Santa Claus in North American folklore, a chubby, jolly, bearded old fellow who wears a red suit, lives at the North Pole, and brings children presents at Christmas; St. Nicholas.
sterile not able to produce children, plants, or fruit; not fertile. [1/2 definitions]
swing set a structure made of metal or wood that holds up swings for children to play on.
toy any object that can be used in play, especially by children; plaything. [1/3 definitions]
tradition the handing down of a culture's beliefs and customs from parents to children over many years. [1/2 definitions]