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news (used with a singular verb) a report of recent important events, read out on the television or radio, or printed in a newspaper, magazine, or Web site.
periodical a magazine that is printed every week, month, or at some other regular time.
publication the act of publishing printed material. [2/3 definitions]
recent A "recent" thing is something new in the world. When you buy a recent magazine, you buy a new magazine that people are seeing for the first time. If a movie is a recent movie, it is not old. [1/2 definitions]
reporter a person whose job is to gather and report news for a newspaper or magazine, or for a television station or radio station.
review an article in a newspaper or magazine that judges the worth of a new book, film, play, restaurant, or the like. [1/7 definitions]
subscribe to agree to pay for a certain number of issues of a publication such as a magazine.
subscription an agreement to pay for a magazine, newspaper, or tickets to a series of events.
weekly a newspaper or magazine that comes out once a week. [1/4 definitions]