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newspaper a publication made of several large sheets of folded paper printed with news, opinions, advertisements, and other information. Most newspapers come out either every day or once a week.
notice warning, news, or sign of something, especially in written or printed form. [1/3 definitions]
radio A radio is something that receives invisible signals from another location and changes them into sound. People use a radio to listen to music, the news, and other programs. [1/2 definitions]
reporter a person whose job is to gather and report news for a newspaper or magazine, or for a television station or radio station.
stern1 If someone has a stern expression, they look very serious. They seem calm, but they look angry or as if they are going to give you some very bad news. [1/2 definitions]
tidings (sometimes used with a singular verb) news or information.
word a message; news. [1/6 definitions]