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Children's Dictionary
NM abbreviation of "New Mexico."
peso the main unit of money in Mexico, Cuba, Argentina, and several other countries.
poinsettia a plant native to Mexico and Central America that has small yellow flowers surrounded by large red, white, or pink leaves that look like flower petals.
prairie dog a small rodent with light brown fur. Prairie dogs make burrows and live in large colonies called "towns." Several kinds of prairie dogs live in Mexico and the United States. Prairie dogs are not related to true dogs, but have a cry that sounds like a dog's bark.
pyramid a huge stone structure that is shaped like a pyramid. Pyramids were built long ago as tombs in Egypt and as temples in Mexico. [1/3 definitions]
Rocky Mountains a high mountain range in North America that stretches from Alaska to northern New Mexico; Rockies.
sombrero a straw or felt hat that has a wide brim and high crown. Sombreros are worn in Mexico.
Sonoran Desert a dry region of the American southwest and northwestern Mexico.
United States a North American country extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific between Canada and Mexico and including Alaska and Hawaii, also known as "United States of America" (usu. prec. by "the").