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Children's Dictionary
Old English the English language as it was spoken from about 450 to about 1400.
Persian of or having to do with the country of Iran, or its people or language. [2/4 definitions]
phonetic characteristic of the speech sounds of human language. [1/2 definitions]
Pilipino the native language of the Philippines, and one of the two official languages spoken there. The other official language is English. Pilipino is also called "Filipino."
poem a piece of writing, often with words that rhyme and have a particular rhythm. Poems usually have imaginative language that expresses strong feeling.
Polish of or having to do with Poland, or its people or language. [2 definitions]
Portuguese of or having to do with Portugal, or its people or language. [2/3 definitions]
prose writing or speech in its usual form of a series of sentences. Most language that is not poetry can be described as prose. Novels, short stories, essays, and letters are examples of writing done in prose.
Punjabi a major language of the world originating in the Punjab, a region of Asia that is partly in Pakistan and partly in northern India. Punjabi is the main language spoken in Pakistan and one of the major languages spoken in India. [2 definitions]
reading the action or activity of examining and understanding written language. [1/3 definitions]
Russian of or having to do with Russia, or its people or language. [2/3 definitions]
Scottish of or having to do with Scotland, or its people or language. [1/3 definitions]
Spanish of or having to do with Spain, or its people or language. [2/3 definitions]
speech spoken language. [1/5 definitions]
Swahili an African language with some Arabic roots that is used in east Africa and parts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
swear to use angry or vulgar language. [1/3 definitions]
Swedish of or having to do with the country of Sweden or its people, culture, language, or the like.
synonym a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word of the same language.
taunt to make fun of, tease, or challenge using mean language.
Thai of or having to do with the country of Thailand or its people, culture, language, or the like. [2/3 definitions]
tongue the language or speech of a particular area. [1/5 definitions]