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Children's Dictionary
operation the act or process of working or running. [1/4 definitions]
operator someone who controls the working of a machine or the activities of a business. [1/2 definitions]
order the working condition of something. [1/10 definitions]
out of commission not in working condition.
out of whack (informal) not working properly; out of order.
overtime time worked beyond the regular working hours in a day or week. [1/3 definitions]
performance way of working or operating. [1/3 definitions]
pull the force used in pulling or working against pulling. [1/8 definitions]
reset to start or set up (something) so that it is working again or so that it is working in a changed way.
resident a doctor working in a hospital for a period of time in order to get advanced training. [1/2 definitions]
retired having stopped working at one's job or no longer being in active service.
run-down not in proper working order. [1/3 definitions]
rusty covered with rust; not working well. [1/2 definitions]
seafaring working or living at sea. [1/2 definitions]
servant a person, such as a maid or cook, who has a job working in someone else's home. [1/2 definitions]
service to repair and to keep in working order. [1/9 definitions]
sewing the act or process of working on fabric with a needle and thread.
strike to refuse to continue working. [1/15 definitions]
teamwork the working together of a group of people to produce a desired result.
torch a tool that produces a very hot flame for working with glass or metal. [1/3 definitions]
vitamin one of a number of natural or human-made substances needed for the health and normal working of the body. Humans get most of their vitamins from food.