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Children's Dictionary
pain physical hurt or discomfort that is usually caused by injury or illness. Pain is the nervous system's way of telling the brain that something is wrong. [1/5 definitions]
physician a doctor of medicine who is qualified and licensed to treat illness and injury.
preventive protecting against disease or illness. [1/3 definitions]
psychiatry the branch of medicine that deals with mental and emotional illness.
shock1 a dangerous weakening of the body that can be caused by serious injury or illness. [1/6 definitions]
sick suffering from an illness; not well. [2/4 definitions]
sickness the condition of being sick; illness. [1/2 definitions]
temperature a higher than normal body temperature caused by infection or illness; fever. [1/3 definitions]
tonsillitis an illness that causes the tonsils to become red and swollen.
trance a condition in which one seems to be asleep and cannot fully control movements or the mind. A trance can be caused by hypnosis or illness.