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Children's Dictionary
Paleozoic of, relating to, or belonging to the era in the earth's history from about 540 million years ago to about 250 million years ago. During this time, the first fishes, amphibians, reptiles, insects, and land plants appeared.
plesiosaur an extinct marine reptile with limbs like paddles, a large flattened body, and a short tail. The plesiosaur lived millions of years ago.
pterodactyl a flying reptile that lived at the same time as dinosaurs. Pterodactyls had wings covered with skin. Some were huge and glided over the oceans and caught fish. They became extinct over sixty-five million years ago.
pyramid a huge stone structure that is shaped like a pyramid. Pyramids were built long ago as tombs in Egypt and as temples in Mexico. [1/3 definitions]
saber-toothed tiger a large wild cat with very long teeth curving from its upper jaw. Saber-toothed tigers were carnivores that hunted the young of mammoths and other large animals. The last kinds of saber-toothed tigers became extinct over ten thousand years ago. Modern tigers are not related to saber-toothed tigers.
supercontinent a giant piece of land that scientists believe existed a very long time ago on the earth. It is thought that this piece of land broke into parts which drifted away from each other. The smaller pieces of land are the seven continents that we have now on the earth. These are Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.
thy an older word for "your." This word is used mostly in religion and in things written long ago.
Tokyo the capital city of Japan. Long ago Tokyo was known as Edo.