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Children's Dictionary
pass a road or other means of passage through which one can travel. [1/14 definitions]
path a narrow road or way. [1/3 definitions]
pavement a hard surface for a road, driveway, or sidewalk. [1/2 definitions]
pedestrian crossing a marked path across a road where people can walk fairly safely because vehicles must stop for them.
railroad a road of steel rails upon which train cars travel. [1/2 definitions]
roadside the side or edge of a road. [2 definitions]
shoulder the edge or border of a road where cars can stop. [1/5 definitions]
sidewalk a path for walking along the side of a street or road. Sidewalks are usually paved.
speed limit the highest legal driving speed in a state or region, or on a particular road or portion of a road.
street a public road in a town or city along which vehicles travel. Streets often have sidewalks and buildings along their sides. [1/2 definitions]
stud1 a pin or peg attached to an automobile tire to help it grip a road surface firmly. [1/5 definitions]
subway the British word for a passage or tunnel beneath a road or railway for pedestrians to walk through. This meaning of "subway" has the same meaning as "underpass." [1/2 definitions]
toll2 a charge for using a bridge or a road. [1/3 definitions]
traffic the movement of people or vehicles along a sidewalk, road, or other route of travel. [1/4 definitions]
traffic jam a slowing down or stopping of the flow of traffic due to there being too many vehicles trying to move through or there being an accident or other problem on the road.
traffic light a street or road signal used to tell drivers when to stop or go. The signal changes colors from red to green to yellow.
underpass a passage or road that goes beneath another passage or road.
verge the British word for the edge or border of a road where cars can stop. "Verge" often has the same meaning as "shoulder." [1/4 definitions]
way a road or path leading from one place to another. [1/10 definitions]