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Children's Dictionary
persimmon a sweet, juicy, orange or yellow fruit whose skin and pulp is like that of a plum.
pumpkin a large, round, orange fruit that has a thick inside pulp that can be eaten. Pumpkins grow on vines.
robin a large North American songbird related to the thrush, with an orange-red breast, dark brown head and back, and a bright yellow bill. [1/2 definitions]
rust an orange or reddish brown coating that forms on metal that has been exposed to air and water. [1/3 definitions]
scarlet a bright red or reddish orange color. [1/2 definitions]
spectrum a band of colors that is formed when light is passed through a prism, or in some other way. The six colors of a spectrum are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.
sweet potato an orange plant root that is eaten as a vegetable. A sweet potato looks like an orange potato, but the two plants are not closely related. Sweet potatoes usually have a sweet taste when they are cooked.
tangerine a citrus that is a type of mandarin orange. A tangerine has loose, reddish orange skin, a slightly flattened shape, and sweet, juicy fruit. [1/2 definitions]
tawny a light brown color having shades of yellow or orange; tan. [1/2 definitions]
tiger a large, very strong mammal with short, yellow-orange fur and black stripes. Tigers are carnivores. They live in several parts of Asia but are endangered in all their habitats. Tigers are the largest of the big cats and are closely related to lions, leopards, and other cats that roar.
vermilion the color that comes from mixing bright red and a small amount of orange paint.
yellow the color of an egg yolk or ripe lemon; the color between orange and green on the color spectrum. [1/3 definitions]