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Children's Dictionary
pinch to cause to look pale or troubled [1/7 definitions]
potato a kind of thick, underground plant stem that is eaten as a vegetable. Potatoes have pale flesh and thin skin that is usually brown, yellow, or red.
Siamese cat a breed of cat. Siamese cats are native to Thailand. They are known for their blue eyes and a pale gray or brown coat with darker ears, tail, and paws.
sulfur a substance that is one of the chemical elements. It is found in the form of pale yellow crystals or in compounds with other elements. Sulfur is used in making matches, gunpowder, and fertilizer. (symbol: S)
termite an insect that eats wood. Termites have pale, soft bodies and look somewhat like ants. They live in large groups in warmer parts of the world. They can destroy trees, buildings, and other things made out of wood.
tint a pale or light color, often made by adding white to a paint or using a weak dye. [1/3 definitions]
wan very pale. [1/2 definitions]
white nearly the color white; pale. [2/6 definitions]