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Children's Dictionary
pistol a small gun that is held and fired with one hand.
ramrod a rod that fits inside the barrel of a gun. A ramrod is used for pushing gunpowder into the barrel or for cleaning the barrel of the gun.
rifle1 a gun that has a long barrel and that is shot from the shoulder.
round a single shot from a gun or larger weapon, or the ammunition for such a shot. [1/14 definitions]
shell a piece of ammunition used in a cannon or gun. [1/8 definitions]
shooting an act of firing a gun at one or more persons.
shot1 the distance a gun or other weapon can be fired; range. [2/7 definitions]
sight a device on a gun or telescope that is used to aim. [1/7 definitions]
trigger a small lever that when pressed or pulled causes a gun to fire. [1/2 definitions]