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Children's Dictionary
pride a sense of personal value that comes from what one has or can do. [1/4 definitions]
principle (plural) a set of personal rules for behavior. [1/3 definitions]
private personal and not to be shared. [2/6 definitions]
purse a pouch or bag made of leather, cloth, or a similar material, used for carrying money and other personal items; handbag. [1/4 definitions]
stuff personal things, or any other type of materials or objects. [1/7 definitions]
suitcase a case in the shape of a rectangle used for carrying clothing and personal items.
taste one's personal preferences, especially with respect to things like music, clothing, furnishings, and art. [1/12 definitions]
thing (plural) personal items; belongings. [1/6 definitions]
vice1 a slight personal fault or weakness. [1/2 definitions]
wallet a pocketbook that is small and flat; billfold. Wallets are used to hold money, cards, or other small personal items.
weakness a personal problem; defect. [1/3 definitions]