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Children's Dictionary
primitive having to do with an early stage or a condition that is not developed. [1/3 definitions]
prop2 a piece of furniture or other movable article used in the presentation of a play; stage property.
pupa an insect in a middle stage of its development, after it is a larva. Pupas do not eat or move; they are changing into their adult form. Many kinds of insects, including butterflies, spend their time as a pupa inside a cocoon.
put on to stage or perform. [1/2 definitions]
rigging equipment used to lift, move, support, or work something, such as stage sets. [1/2 definitions]
runway a narrow platform attached to a stage. Models and actors walk on runways to be closer to the audience. [1/2 definitions]
stage to perform or present on a stage. [1/4 definitions]
status state of matters; stage of progress. [1/2 definitions]
step an act or stage in a series. [1/8 definitions]
Stone Age the stage of human culture when stone tools and weapons were made and used. The Stone Age dates from about two million B.C. to about 3,500 B.C.
stuck unable to make progress to the next item, step, or stage. [1/5 definitions]
transition a process of changing from one position, stage, or situation to another.
wing (plural) the area on both sides of the stage that is hidden from the view of the audience. [1/6 definitions]
young at an early stage of life or growth. [2/4 definitions]
youth the early stage or period of anything. [1/5 definitions]