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Children's Dictionary
prose writing or speech in its usual form of a series of sentences. Most language that is not poetry can be described as prose. Novels, short stories, essays, and letters are examples of writing done in prose.
regular normal or usual. [1/7 definitions]
route the usual path and series of stops that are made by a person who is selling or delivering something to customers in different places. [1/4 definitions]
rule what is usual or normal. [1/7 definitions]
sale a selling of goods for a lower price than usual. [1/2 definitions]
sour not up to the usual standard; poor. [1/7 definitions]
speak to utter words in one's usual voice; talk. [2/7 definitions]
special out of the ordinary; better or more important than the usual. [1/6 definitions]
standard normal; routine; usual. [1/6 definitions]
temper a usual state of mind of manner of feeling. [1/6 definitions]
terrific much greater than the ordinary or usual. [1/3 definitions]
themselves their usual, healthy, or true selves. [1/3 definitions]
typical characteristic or usual. [1/2 definitions]
unusual not usual or ordinary; not common; remarkable.
usual that which is usual; something usual. [1/3 definitions]
want a lack of the usual necessities of life. [1/9 definitions]
yourself your usual or healthy self. [1/3 definitions]