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Children's Dictionary
prowl the act of roaming in a secret, quiet way. [1/3 definitions]
publicly in a public manner; not in secret or in private. [1/2 definitions]
resistance (often capitalized) a secret organization formed to oppose an army that has taken over a country. [1/3 definitions]
sabotage secret activity that causes damage to enemy property or causes disturbance to an enemy's operations. [1/2 definitions]
secrecy the condition of being secret. [2 definitions]
secretly in a secret manner, so as to conceal the action from others involved. [1/2 definitions]
shadow to follow closely and in secret in order to watch; trail. [1/5 definitions]
smuggle to bring in or take out in secret. [1/2 definitions]
sneak to move, put, bring, or take in a secret or sly manner. [1/3 definitions]
snoop to look into others' affairs or possessions in a secret way. [1/2 definitions]
spill the beans to tell a secret by accident or on purpose.
spy a person who works for a government in secret to watch and get information about another nation's activities and plans. [3/4 definitions]
steal to get in a clever or secret way. [1/6 definitions]
tell to reveal a secret or private matter. [1/7 definitions]
tip3 a piece of secret and useful information. [1/4 definitions]
under cover hidden; in secret.
underground a group of people who work in a secret way against a government or enemy. [1/6 definitions]
underground railroad (often cap.) a secret system established by former slaves and abolitionists before the U.S. Civil War to help fugitive slaves reach places of safety.
underhand secret and sneaky; in a dishonest way. [1/3 definitions]
up to (informal) busy with; engaged in (often used when misbehavior or secret activity is suspected). [1/7 definitions]