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Children's Dictionary
pulp the soft, center part of a tooth. It contains nerves and blood vessels. [1/3 definitions]
pus a thick, white or yellow liquid that forms around infections and that contains white blood cells.
red the color of blood; the first color on the color spectrum. [1/2 definitions]
red blood cell a cell in the blood that carries oxygen to the body's tissues.
serum the thin, watery liquid that remains when the solid parts of blood have formed a clot. [1/2 definitions]
small intestine the narrow part of the intestine which connects the stomach and the large intestine. The small intestine digests food and absorbs nutrients into the blood.
spleen an organ near the stomach that stores blood. The spleen gets rid of old red blood cells, and makes certain kinds of white blood cells.
stroke a sudden sickness in the brain caused by the breaking or blocking of a blood vessel. A stroke can cause parts of the body to become numb. It can also cause death. [1/6 definitions]
T cell a type of white blood cell that defends the body against certain diseases.
tick2 a small animal that is related to the spider. Ticks attach themselves to people and other animals and suck their blood. Ticks are known to spread disease.
transfusion the transfer of blood from an outside source into the bloodstream of a person or animal.
vampire a creature in folk tales that is said to have died but come back to life. Vampires suck blood from people in order to stay among the living. [2 definitions]
vein a small vessel that carries blood toward the heart. [1/3 definitions]
ventricle either of the two lower compartments of the heart. Ventricles receive blood from the upper compartments, called atria, and pump it to the lungs and throughout the body.
vessel one of the small tubes that carry blood and other fluids throughout the body. [1/3 definitions]
white blood cell a small blood cell with no color that helps protect the body against infections and bacteria.