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Children's Dictionary
puppet a doll that looks like a person or an animal. Some puppets move by being placed over a hand, and others move by strings held from above.
rise the movement of the sun or planets above the horizon. [1/16 definitions]
scaffold a platform above the ground where workers stand while they work on a building.
sergeant a rank above corporal in the U.S. Army, Marine Corps, or Air Force. [1/3 definitions]
short (plural) trousers that stop above or close to the knee. [1/9 definitions]
shorts short pants that stop above or close to the knees.
sky the air or space above the earth which appears to arch over it. [2 definitions]
snorkel a tube that is held in the mouth and extends above the surface of water. Snorkels allow swimmers to breathe while their faces are in the water.
sonic of, related to, or being a speed approaching or equal to that of sound in air, at the same distance above sea level. [1/2 definitions]
stiff very high; above normal. [1/8 definitions]
stilt a long, thin pole with a block to rest the foot upon. With a pair of stilts, a person can walk above the ground. [2 definitions]
stratosphere a layer of the earth's upper atmosphere from about six miles to about thirty miles above the earth's surface.
sunrise the moment each day at which the sun first can be seen above the eastern horizon. [2 definitions]
super- a prefix that means "above" or "over." [1/2 definitions]
swoop to sweep down suddenly from above, or as if from above in attack (often followed by "down on"). [3 definitions]
tier1 one of several rows or layers placed one above another.
tightrope a thick rope or wire that is stretched tight and high above the ground. Acrobats perform on a tightrope at a circus.
tower1 a tall, narrow building or part of a building that rises high above the ground. [2 definitions]
transom a small window above a door. A transom is often attached with a hinge so that it can be opened and shut.
trapeze a rope swing with a bar hung high above the ground. A trapeze is often used by acrobats in a circus.
tread water to keep floating in an upright position with just the head above water by moving the legs and feet as though walking.