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Children's Dictionary
quadruplet one of four children or animals born to the same mother at the same time.
queen a female ruler of a country who is not elected but whose mother, father, or relative was the ruler before her. [1/4 definitions]
quintuplet one of five children or animals born to a mother at a single birth.
stepdad (informal) the husband of one's mother but who is not one's father by birth; stepfather.
stepfather the husband of one's mother, who may act as a father but is not one's natural father.
stepmom (informal) the wife of one's father but who is not one's mother by birth; stepmother.
stepmother the wife of one's father, who may act as a mother but is not one's natural mother.
twin either of two children or animals born at the same time to one mother. [1/4 definitions]
umbilical cord a cord that connects an unborn baby to its mother. The umbilical cord supplies nourishment to the fetus and takes away wastes.
uncle the brother or brother-in-law of one's father or mother. [1/2 definitions]
virgin (capitalized) Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. [1/2 definitions]