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Children's Dictionary
ravioli (used with a singular or plural verb) small packets of pasta filled with ground meat, cheese, or other similar mixtures.
-s1 a suffix used to form the third person singular present tense of all regular and most irregular verbs.
-'s2 a suffix used to form the possessive of most singular nouns, some plural nouns not ending in "s," and some pronouns.
sang past tense of "sing."
spade2 (plural, but used with a singular or plural verb) the suit of cards printed with these figures. [1/3 definitions]
Stars and Stripes (used with a singular or plural verb) the national flag of the United States. It has thirteen red and white stripes and a blue field with fifty white stars that stand for the fifty states; Old Glory.
sung the past participle of "sing."
taps (used with a singular verb) the signal played on a trumpet or drum in the U.S. military forces. Taps are used as a signal for lights to be put out, or at the end of a funeral service.
tiddlywinks (used with a singular verb) a table game in which the players press large plastic disks against the edges of small ones in order to make the small ones jump into a cup.
tidings (sometimes used with a singular verb) news or information.
United Nations (used with a singular or plural verb) an organization of many nations started in 1945 to promote world peace and understanding.
upstairs (usually used with a singular verb) the upper floor or floors of a building. [1/3 definitions]
was a past tense of the verb "be" which is used with "I," "he," "she," "it," and with singular nouns.
waterworks (used with a singular or plural verb) a system that provides water to a city or town.
whereabouts (used with a singular or plural verb) the place where a person or thing is. [1/2 definitions]
worm (plural; used with a singular verb) a disease caused by worms, or other animals that look like worms, living as parasites inside other animals. [1/7 definitions]