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recognize When you recognize something, you accept the truth of it. When you recognize a mistake you made, you understand and accept that you really made a mistake. You don't deny it. [1/4 definitions]
regret Regret is a sad feeling you have because you did something that you now feel was a mistake or was wrong. [1/3 definitions]
slight "Slight" means very small. When there is a slight change in the weather it means that there is a very small change in the weather. If you have a slight cold, you have a cold, but it is not very bad. If you made a slight mistake, you made just a very small mistake. [1/3 definitions]
slip1 to make a mistake. [3/13 definitions]
whoops "Whoops!" is something people sometimes say when they realize they have made a mistake or done something a little bit bad. People usually say "Whoops!" immediately after they've done this thing they didn't want to do.