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Children's Dictionary
resource a source of help or support. [1/4 definitions]
root1 the place from which something comes; source. [1/9 definitions]
secondhand not from the original source. [1/3 definitions]
seed a source or beginning of something. [1/5 definitions]
shadow the dark image cast on some surface by a person or thing blocking the light of the sun or another source of light. [1/5 definitions]
shine the glow that comes from a source of light. [1/8 definitions]
sugar cane a tall grass of tropical areas that has a thick stalk. Sugar cane is the main source of sugar.
transfusion the transfer of blood from an outside source into the bloodstream of a person or animal.
treat anything considered as a source of pleasure. [1/9 definitions]
trouble a source of difficulty or distress. [1/8 definitions]
up toward the source of. [1/23 definitions]
ventriloquism the skill or act of speaking without moving the lips so that the voice seems to come from a source other than the speaker.
walnut a tree that grows nuts and is a source of useful wood. [1/4 definitions]
well2 a spring, pool, or other natural source of water. [2/4 definitions]
where from what source or location. [2/9 definitions]