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Children's Dictionary
right in keeping with fact or reason; true; correct. [1/21 definitions]
sex the fact of being either female or male.
sign something that shows or demonstrates a fact, event, or quality; indication. [1/7 definitions]
silence the fact or condition of not making sound or not speaking. [1/3 definitions]
so true; based on fact. [1/13 definitions]
superstition a belief that is not based on fact.
survival the act or fact of continuing to be alive or survive.
tendency the fact of being likely to move in a certain direction. [2 definitions]
thickness the fact or quality of being thick. [1/3 definitions]
though in spite of the fact that. [1/3 definitions]
transmission the act of transmitting or the fact of being transmitted. [1/3 definitions]
true in agreement with fact. [1/5 definitions]
truth a fact or principle that has been proved. [1/4 definitions]
use the fact or condition of being used. [1/9 definitions]
valid based on truth, fact, or logic. [1/2 definitions]