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Children's Dictionary
ROM computer memory that can only be read, not written to. "ROM" stands for "read-only memory."
scan to read or look over quickly. [1/5 definitions]
scanner2 a device that scans printed material and changes it into an electronic signal that can be read by a computer.
sound1 to give an impression of being a certain way when heard about or read about. [1/9 definitions]
sound out to make an effort to read and pronounce a word by saying the sound of each of its letters or its letter combinations.
timetable a schedule that lists the times at which certain events take place. People read timetables to find out when trains, buses, or airplanes will arrive or leave.
torah the sacred scrolls that contain the first five books of the Bible. Parts of the Torah are read during religious services. [1/2 definitions]
verb a word that expresses a state of being or an action. Verbs usually have different forms to express tense, voice, mood, and number. "Read," "blew," "drives," "seemed," and "skip" are examples of verbs.
well-read having read much in one or a wide range of subjects; knowledgeable.