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Children's Dictionary
ruffle to disturb a smooth, even surface. [1/3 definitions]
run out to use up something completely even though it is still needed or desired (often followed by "of"). [1/2 definitions]
sacrifice a hit in the game of baseball that lets a player already on base move forward, even though the player hitting the ball is put out. [2/7 definitions]
should used to express someone's opinion of the proper behavior or state of something, even if it is not true in reality. [1/5 definitions]
smooth not rough; even. [3/8 definitions]
square to put straight or even. [1/22 definitions]
still1 to an even greater degree. [1/12 definitions]
straight level; even. [1/8 definitions]
stride to walk with long, even steps. [1/3 definitions]
take the bull by the horns to handle a difficult problem in a direct manner, even if one is afraid.
though even if; but (sometimes used with "even"). [1/3 definitions]
tie to make even in a contest. [1/9 definitions]
toll1 to cause to ring with slow, even strokes. [1/4 definitions]
tramp to walk with steady, even steps; march; hike. [1/6 definitions]
twist a sudden or not expected change in an otherwise predictable or even pattern. [1/18 definitions]
undaunted not discouraged; not giving up even though something is difficult or frightening.
will1 used to make a confident statement or prediction about something, even though the facts are not actually known. [1/6 definitions]
yet in addition; even. [3/6 definitions]