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Children's Dictionary
sagebrush a bushy plant with silver leaves that have a pleasant smell. It has white or yellow flowers and grows in the dry plains of the western United States.
salon a pleasant room in a large house or apartment used for entertaining guests. [1/2 definitions]
satisfaction a pleasant feeling that comes from completing something and doing it well. [1/2 definitions]
scent a liquid that gives off a pleasant smell; perfume. [1/5 definitions]
sweet gentle or pleasant. [2/7 definitions]
unpleasant not pleasant or agreeable; distasteful.
unsightly not pleasant or agreeable to look at; ugly.
warm to produce pleasant or kindly feelings in. [1/8 definitions]
while to cause to pass in a pleasant, calm and relaxed way (usually followed by "away"). [1/5 definitions]
winning pleasant and attractive. [1/3 definitions]