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Children's Dictionary
shortsighted not looking ahead or thinking about what might happen in the future. [1/2 definitions]
sign something that relates to a future event or condition. [1/7 definitions]
someday at some time in the future.
sometime at a time in the future; eventually. [1/2 definitions]
spare an item that is put aside for future use. [1/12 definitions]
stock to keep ready for future use or sale. [1/11 definitions]
stock up to keep or collect something for future use.
store a supply kept or saved for future use. [2/4 definitions]
tense2 the aspect of verbs that shows when an action takes place. Verbs can be in past, present, or future tense.
threatened having an uncertain chance of surviving into the future.
time the system in which events appear to happen one after the next in a way that can never be turned back; the past, present, and future. [1/15 definitions]
tomorrow a future time. [1/3 definitions]
unfriendly leading to a poor or harmful future; not welcoming. [1/2 definitions]
vision the power to see future events or ideas. [1/3 definitions]
will1 used to show the future. [1/6 definitions]
yet at some time in the future; eventually. [1/6 definitions]